Graduation Requirements

Diplomas are issued to graduating seniors when the following graduation requirements have been met:

  • Eligible seniors must complete a total of 24 credits (minimum of 4 credits with the Abeka Academy Accredited Program in grade 12).
  • All lessons, whether streaming or DVD, have been viewed.
  • All coursework has been validated, and account balance has been paid in full.
  • If applicable, all DVDs have been returned.

Class rank is based on a weighted GPA among others who complete graduation requirements and submit for validation by May 31 of their current school year.

College-bound students are encouraged to take the ACT or SAT when available. Accredited students use high school code 101388.

Contact us at for more information.

Graduation Ceremony Eligibility

All eligible Accredited Program graduating seniors and their families are invited to attend the Abeka Academy graduation activities and ceremony held on the campus of Pensacola Christian College.

To participate, eligible students must:

  • Have a full-year grade 12 enrollment with a begin date on or before November 15, 2024. (Second semester students are not eligible to march.)
  • Make sure that all first through third grading period completed progress reports with required work are in the Abeka Academy Office by April 1, 2025.

Additional information regarding fees, dates, etc., will be sent to eligible seniors.

Accommodations—Discounts are provided by many local area hotels.

Academic Honors

Graduating seniors participating in the in-person Abeka Academy graduation ceremony are eligible to receive academic awards.